Thursday, September 5, 2013

Consumo [Final]

Climate Change

         Have you ever notice that the climate in the Philippines and parts of the world is changing, have you ever notice that this month should be raining but it’s hot like summer. There is one reason for these phenomena it’s called Climate change. Climate change is the ever changing weather all-over the world due to the activities done by humans. Lets us confront some facts that is happening to the world.

          According to Ned Haluzan “Greenhouse gas emissions are set for another rise in 2012. According to a Global Carbon Project, the greenhouse gas emissions will reach a record high of 35.6 billion tonnes at the end of 2012, accounting for a 2.6% increase when compared to previous year.” And as we all know that it will continue to rise for the due to the harmful gas that is being used by us. People do not realize that every minute that we don’t act on this problem, we the people are dooming our self. As the planet continue to have a rise on temperature there will be drought, famine due to lack of rain fall and most of all people will die due to extreme heat and lost of homes due to the increasing sea level. Lives will be lost and many people will not recover the extreme changes that will happen to there life.

Climate change has negative impact on forests from many different angles. The increased temperatures are not only causing heat stress and drought but they are also opening the door for wide-spread insect infestation.

In many parts of the world researchers are already talking about rapidly growing forest mortality. Not all tree species are affected the same with some species of trees being more resistant than other, with other likely to be hit particularly hard, depending on factors such asage or sizes of trees.

Some researchers fear that in business as usual scenario many forest areas will cease to exist and will turn into grasslands or some other ecosystems. This could further increase climate change impact because forests are large carbon sinkers, absorbing plenty of CO2 from the atmosphere. Also, the decomposition of dead trees releases CO2 in the atmosphere, therefore increasing global warming effect and debris from dead trees could also increase a forest's fire risk and result in even more CO2 emissions.

Forests play vital role in not only absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, but also in regulating climate and water purification. They are also important for water and nutrient cycle, not to mention that they also provide homes for thousands of different animal and plant species.

In United States, this summer's severe drought has taken heavy toll on forests, and we are yet to receive official data about the total damage done to U.S. forests. One thing is sure though, there will be plenty dead trees in the final report.

Many researchers believe that one-dimensional approach may not be enough to save our forests and are calling for joint action that would not only include climate change scientists and ecologists but also, biochemists, hydrologists, economists, social scientists, etc.

Current forest management practices won't be enough to save many of our forests from climate change impact and this is why this issue needs to involve more scientists, from different scientific fields.

           Now can I ask you these question, will we wait for our doom or will we act now and stop all this from happening and change the world little by little and save human kind?
We can do it if we just do it together.

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